Niche creation is a challenge among firms regardless of size, ownership and the kind of \r\nproduct/service they offer. Once it is created, fostering such niche becomes a greater issue. In \r\nthis paper, we focused on the SMEs in emerging markets particularly in Malaysia. By using \r\nquestionnaires, data was gathered from 100 employees working in SMEs particularly in \r\nSelangor, Malaysia. The purpose of this study is to let owners/managers/founders of SMEs \r\nbetter understand how fostering niches is influenced by organizational commitment, \r\nleadership, and organizational culture, towards job satisfaction as antecedents of competitive \r\nadvantage and/or success of SMEs. Employees� attitudes and behaviours are affected by the \r\nrelationship between them and their employer. This relationship is referred to as \r\norganizational commitment. \r\nMoreover, leadership and organizational culture considerably have an influence on job \r\nsatisfaction. Understanding this concept will aid employers to instil strong organizational \r\nculture and create solid organizational commitment among their employees and lead effectively \r\nso that they would be able to retain their well-experienced and skilful employees. Ultimately \r\njob satisfaction plays a very important role in the success of organizations particularly in the \r\ncontext of SMEs in Malaysia. The findings revealed positive relationships among the variables \r\nand their importance as determinants of job satisfaction in SMEs, which hopefully could \r\ncontribute to the extant literature on job satisfaction and competitive advantage from the \r\nperspective of this country in Asia.